Tag Archives: Giddy

Pinched by Eddie EDS rings

“Skip the doctor and try Eddie.”

“Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime.

If your Zeppelin is Led, Giddy offers a drug-free solution. But you may want to try a cheaper alternative and a more reputable seller first.

September 24, 2021: There may be nothing illegal or wrong with the following business practices.  But they suggest to me that the seller is not to be trusted. I’m using my Trustworthy scoring system; -1 means true (bad), +1 means false (good), and 0 means undetermined.  I penalize the seller for statements made by shills.

Suspicious location: TRUE (-1):

Contact information for Eddie seller Giddy Holdings Inc.:

Address: 1209 E Cesar Chavez St. / Austin, TX 78702
Phone: ?

An interesting (skanky) looking place, PrintPress is a workshare facility; “We give you the space to do what your heart desires.” But I was looking for a building or office located in the USA dedicated to Giddy, so not acceptable.

Ridiculous claims:  False (-1):

None found.

Onerous terms: TRUE (-1):

  • Unless you opt out, you can’t sue them, join a class action suit or a group arbitration. You can only file an individual arbitration.
  • If your credit card expires or you change the account number, they will get your updated information from the card issuer and keep on taking money from your account for a subscription. See “Unauthorized charges” section below.
  • The refund policy is complicated but not unreasonable. Basically you have 60 days from delivery to ask for a refund of your (first) order. They deduct a $25 charge per Eddie from your refund. They don’t want returned Eddies, obviously. But they may ask for a photo of your Eddies cut up instead.

Ads, spam, robocalls:  TRUE (-1):

  • They’ll collect everything you enter; and that they can suck out of your computer, ignoring “Do not track” settings; and that they can wangle from creepy companies that sell or exchange personal data.
  • They’ll beam ads at you and spam you.
  • A coupon pops up offering a $20 discount if you tap a button to text them. Small print explains that if you do that, they’ll collect your phone number and text ads to you. You can opt out.
  • If they sell their company, your personal data is part of the deal.

Lying and deception:  TRUE (-1):

  • An Eddie advertisement urges “Skip the doctor and try Eddie.” But the small print at the bottom of the first page says “Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime.”
  • Under a blank for capturing your email address: “Information collected is used to provide an optimal experience, and is never sold or shared with third parties for any reason.But the Privacy Policy says Giddy uses your personal data “To facilitate the connection of third-party services such as certain nonprofits or other organizations you might be interested in.” And, further down, “We do not rent, sell, or share information about you with nonaffiliated companies for their direct marketing purposes, unless we have your permission.” Weasels.
  • “67% of men taking ED medication say their treatment is only moderately or not effective.” But Harvard Health Publishing says “Taking an ED drug produces an erection sufficient to start intercourse in about 70% of otherwise healthy men.”

Chicanery:  TRUE (-1):

  • To see the offer at all, you have to wade thru a long quiz about your erectile problem that provides Giddy with medical information about you at little gain to you.
  • To find out the price of the offer, you have to give them your email address. I tried donald.trump@mir-a-lago.com but they wouldn’t accept the fake email address. So I used the customer service email address of the last company I reviewed. Maybe they’ll spam each other? 8D
  • An animated countdown timer pressures you to decide quickly.
  • Terms and Conditions document is a weary 15 pages long (7,412 words). Sections are printed in hard-to-read upper-case. Enjoy!
  • You can make a one-time purchase of Eddies. Or you can subscribe to an autoship service in which they repeatedly send and bill you for more Eddies. The latter choice is labeled the “Stay-Giddy Plan” with no mention that it’s a subscription. Perhaps this is revealed later?

Phony reviews: Undetermined (0):

Several reviews from TrustPilot are copied, a relief from the usual fabrications and clip-art. However, Giddy selected only positive reviews (no surprise).

Crummy product:. Undetermined (0).

Amazon customers rated Eddie 3.3 / 5 stars.

  • I enjoyed the small size almost out of the way , I no longer need viagra this is so much better. Our sex life just took a 180 . Thank You”
  • “Tried and tried and this did not work.”

Overpriced: TRUE (-1):

Amazon offers one Eddie for $188. Giddy’s price for one is the same. However, Amazon offers similar gadgets for as little as $9. That seems more reasonable for a piece of plastic.

Bad service: TRUE (-1):j

I see that Giddy replies to complaints posted at the BBB. So if you’re having trouble with them it’s worth trying.

  • From Better Business Bureau: “Giddy customer service department is worthless and not responsive to my emails or complaints, but they send me tons of emails with sales offers.”
  • “Unable to talk to someone via phone so only can contact them via email. Explained I never recieved the shipment and never got a response back after multiple emails. I want my money back or another device shipped but they can [not] even call or email me to make this right. I think I have been scammed.” … Many similar complaints.
  • “Ordered product 7/10/19. Delivery was estimated by by end of October. They communicated well on delays in shipping, but once it got to almost to the end of November they sent out en email guaranteeing it be shipped by November 30th or the device be refund and be free of charge. On 12/5 I received a shipping notification. I followed up and requested the device be refunded. …” (Futile struggle to get a refund truncated.)

Total score: -6

Unauthorized charges: There are the refund struggles I mentioned above. And I found this. I’d want to see at least one more such complaint to be sure stealing is going on here.

  • From Better Business Bureau: “In February 2021 I ordered Giddy device for one time trial. I did not set up account for subscription. Product did not work so counted my loss. Now 4 months later bank inquieres of suspicious activity. Giddy is taking additional $138.00 from my account. Bank said they would block but, Giddy got through… I “m told to cancel subscription that I refused to request!”

Advice: Try a cheaper one first, and avoid this company. A talk with your doctor may be helpful. Or you could buy a pickup truck.


  • “You can have extra Eddies and tension bands ready to go, and conveniently stored in various locations.”
